Where sustainability meets success

Where sustainability meets success
Where sustainability meets success

Baltic RE Group and Regional Investment Bank signed a 6.5 million loan facilities

AS Baltic Re Group’s SPV subsidiaries and AS Regional Investment Bank (RIB) signed an agreement for a medium-term loan for a total value of EUR 6’500’000.00 for the partial refinancing of the renovation works of the properties at 25 Raina Boulevard and 2 Kramu Street in Riga.

Giovanni dalla Zonca, Founder and CEO of Baltic RE Group says: “We are very satisfied with this first step of a collaboration that will certainly develop in the years to come. We have worked with RIB in a largely satisfactory way to develop a financial solution that takes into account the unprecedented characteristics of volatility that all markets – including real estate industry – are experiencing today. In times when important strategic choices are made and there is uncertainty in many markets, the meaning of partnership that we have shared with RIB is precisely that of understanding together the potential dynamics of the years to come and preparing the most suitable tools to successfully face them.

We are glad that among the cornerstones of this collaboration, in which we strongly believe, is the fact that we underline a common sensitivity towards sustainability. All of our new development projects will focus on the use of materials and solutions for the well-being of the environment and of the people who will work in our buildings. It takes investments and passion. We have shared this approach with RIB, and we are happy with their willingness to support us along this path in the long term.

For Baltic RE Group, the financial objective still remains to find efficient and flexible solutions, maintaining an extremely prudent criterion which – following the signing of the RIB loan – currently sees an LTV on the portfolio still lower than 20%.”

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